Andrey Sterkhov

born 1960 in Glasov, Russia.

Lives in Simpheropol ,Crimea, Ukraine.

1980 graduated from the Vyzhnytsia College

of Decorative and Applied Arts

1986 graduated Lviv national Academy of arts

1993 David Harrington Gallery, London, UK.
1994-2011 Petra Art Gallery, Venice, Italy.
1994- 2011 Osvaldo Bohm Gallery, Venice, Italy.
1995- 2003 San Giorio Gallery, Portofino, Italy.
1996- 2012 Ponte Vecchio Gallery, Florense, Italy.
2001-2003 Optimum Gallery, Nice, Franse.



The inspiration for the majority of the work of the artist is to Venice, its architecture, old classic urban landscapes, canals, the atmosphere romantizva, spirituality and music, frozen in stone.

That's why most of his works are devoted to this beautiful and unique city on the water.